AbaPoint is based on a technology that allows a smartphone app to interact with various POIs (points of interest) for the management of spaces and objects. AbaPoint can be used to perform various actions or events. This includes, for example, time recording, checkpoints, work processes or the recording of services to a project. Processes and workflows can be standardised and simplified. POIs are sensors based on different technologies, including NFC tags, virtual POIs or barcodes. One or more event types can be stored on each POI, including arrival & departure, log entry, processes, project performance or documents.

Operation is straightforward for employees
Specific roles can be assigned to each smartphone user. These roles allow the user to start or execute individual processes with just a few clicks. AbaPoint makes daily work easier and more efficient for both employees and employers.
AbaPoint can be individually configured
In order to benefit fully from AbaPoint, individual configuration of AbaPoint is essential. Discover more advantages of AbaPoint:
Automated and flexibly expandable
Easy entry of new POIs with automatic creation and linking of a new service object. More flexibility to define additional POIs
AbaPoint is fully integrated with Abacus Business Software. The data is immediately available for further processing.
Individual and dynamic processes
Define individual processes with the Abacus Business Process Engine (BPE) and use AbaPoint to process them.
Virtually limitless application possibilities with AbaPoint
Learn more about practical application possibilities here:
Record working hours with Arrival & Departure
Employee working hours can be recorded automatically at various locations using AbaPoints. If an employee is within the defined radius of a POI with their smartphone, the smartphone app recognises the POI and a pop-up will appear. By confirming the message (arrival or departure), the employee is able to record the working time effortlessly and without the need for additional hardware. Working hours, flextime and holiday balances can be viewed in the app at any time. AbaPoint can also be flexibly combined with the other data entry options in Abacus Time Recording.
Checkpoints for areas to be monitored
Is your company site or building complex well monitored? Install several AbaPoints, so-called checkpoints, in the area or space to be monitored. For security surveillance, each AbaPoint sends data to the security employee's smartphone and registers as soon as the guard enters the defined radius of the device. The security employee's route is transparently documented and can be traced at any time.
Location-based, recurring work processes
Use AbaPoint to map location-based, recurring work processes or to supply information. In principle, nearly unlimited applications are conceivable. For example, information can be made available on a location-specific basis (e.g. audit controls) or users can be guided through input masks (e.g. registration process for events).
Once a process is mapped in the Abacus Software, it can be set in motion automatically. As soon as the smartphone app receives the signals of the POI, the desired process starts after confirmation of the push message on the smartphone. Based on the incoming data, information, or work instructions, for example, can be passed on.
Regular maintenance of equipment and objects
Equipment, such as drilling machines, which are subject to regular maintenance by law, can also be registered with an AbaPoint. The Abacus Business Software immediately shows when maintenance is due for which piece of equipment. The maintenance itself can then be conducted via an AbaPoint directly attached to the device with a stored checklist.
Integrated and legally compliant
Abacus Time Recording guarantees maximum flexibility. An example: The sales representative comes into the office in the morning and clocks in using the AbaClock badge system. The mobile app AbaClik is used to record working time while travelling over the lunch break and then again for subsequent customer visits. Back in the office, the employee clocks out for the evening at the AbaClock terminal. Upon arriving home, the working times recorded by the employee's team in the MyAbacus employee portal can be reviewed.